Go from burnt out to standing out as the expert, booking high ticket projects with ease, and getting back your time.

โœน Join me inside the Dream Bigger & Thrive Workshop โœน

A 3-day LIVE workshop to help you create a personalized step-by-step plan to uncovering your unique positioning, attracting your dream clients & booking high ticket projects month after month.

(February 28th - March 2nd) at 11am Eastern + replays available.

Join the Workshop โ†’


You're ready to level up your business, break through your current business sticking points, and get back your time.

Sounds great…but where do you start?

There are 3 main hurdles that are keeping you from having the business of your dreams...
Which one is keeping you stuck?

Problem 01.

You feel like there are so many better, more successful brand designers out there and just try to copy/paste. You feel like you don’t have a clear idea of how to scale your business, and you feel like you get lost in the noise.

Problem 02.

You are attracting all the wrong people and not your dream clients. You say yes to clients you know are a bad fit or have red flags, because you think it's the only way to build up your business. 

Problem 03.

How the heck do you price confidently and raise your rates anyways? It seems like you can’t get out of your current pricing and are just stuck there. It feels near impossible to get a slice of the 10K projects pie!

It seems like you are in a vicious cycle…

You have to pay the bills so you take on the wrong clients or low ticket clients and wave goodbye to any work/life balance. The doubts creep in and you don't feel confident raising your rates. Phew. 

All of this is standing in your way which is causing you to…

→ Not charge what you’re worth in hopes to make yourself more appealing.

→ Work non-stop for what feels like a million and a half demanding clients.


And no matter how hard you try, it feels like your business will never break through its current revenue ceiling. Sound familiar?

Hey!  I’m Liz.

If we haven’t met yet, I help brand designers scale and grow their businesses. I am a brand designer and have had the honor of working with leading companies in their industries - all while working with select high ticket clients at a time. And while that might sound amazing (which it has been!), building this business wasn’t always “easy” or “glamorous”.

Early on, we were feeling burnout - we were booking so many clients all at once just to make ends meet. We knew we needed a shift in our business, but we felt so overwhelmed with how to go about shifting it! In 2018, I was beyond ready to ditch my old methods and go all into establishing a “high ticket magnet” design business. That year, we went from booking (what felt like a million) 3K projects to select 10K projects, surpassing over 100K for the year.


Because I finally nailed down the framework for consistently attracting my high ticket dream clients and - and I want to share them with you in this 3 day workshop!


Here's the truth:

If you want to have your calendar booked with 10K+ projects, then you’re going to have to get real about, well…your positioning.

You know you are an amazing brand designer, but you continue to feel like you get lost in the sea of competiton and you just feel STUCK. 

And maybe spend wayyyyy too much time worrying about getting clients and you KNOW what you are offering has more value than what you are currently charging.

OR maybe you’ve been booking decent projects, but there are massive “peaks” and super low “valleys” in your bookings and the inconsistency is draining and exhausting. 

Successful brand designers know that in order to build a business that doesn’t include a million clients all at once, you need to have this is place:

What you really need is a strategy (hint, *premium positioning*) so that all of those things are built upon the foundation for your specific business. 

This is why I’ve become so obsessed with this is because we’ve been able to take our strategy and use it to scale our business and increase our project prices by 15X more than what we were. 

The key to selling high ticket branding projects is your positioning. 

It’s what makes you so dang irresistible and clients viewing you as the expert.

Dream Bigger
& Thrive Workshop 

 A 3-day workshop to help you design the framework for consistent high ticket projects by getting clear on your positioning, offers and scaling strategy.

Let's scale your business โ†’

From defining your premium positioning to attracting your high ticket clients!

By the end of our time together, you’ll have your framework locked in and ready to go so you can finally stop thinking about scaling to the next level in your business and actually start being a high ticket magnet!

Here’s What You’re Getting
Inside The Workshop:

3 days of LIVE training to take you from guessing to confidence in attracting high ticket clients.

Each day, I’ll be going live to help you work through laying the foundation for your high ticket business. I’ve taken the highs and lows of my business and have clear steps you can take RIGHT NOW to set yourself on the path towards dream clients & premium profit.

Day One

Building Your Premium Positioning

(February 28, 2023 from 11am - 12pm EST)

One of the biggest problems I see brand designers face is that they have no idea how to stand out in a crowded market. 

On day 1, we’re going to get clear on exactly HOW to stand out and your unique positioning to attract your dream clients. Because there are a million and one designers out there - but no one designs the way you do.


Day Two

Attracting your dream clients

(March 1, 2023 from 11am - 12pm EST)

It feels like your business can't break through your current project pricing and you have no idea how to truly attract those high ticket clients. 

Inside day 2, we are going to get clear on the value you provide, your portfolio to attract, and your messaging to nail down exactly what that means for your clients. Then, whenever someone hears what you offer, they know you’re the expert they've been looking for.


Day Three

Your first, or next, high ticket project

(March 2, 2023 from 11am - 12pm EST)

Now it’s time for action, friend!

In our final day of training, we’re going to be ensuring we have all the pieces together for YOUR framework based on YOUR goals. Whether it’s landing your first 10K project, or your next high ticket client, you’ll leave this training with a game-plan to make it happen.


Can't catch a live training? Don't worry, I've got you covered. All of the trainings will be recorded and available for replay for 7 days after the event. 

Oh wait.. Did you think we were done? Not even close!
Let’s chat about 5 FREE bonuses you get!

Access To Our Pop-Up training Facebook Group For Community And Support ($299 Value)

This group will be your hub for the workshop. This is where you can connect with other designers and get feedback from me as you nail down your high ticket client strategy.

Daily Mindset Prompts ($97 Value)

Being an entrepreneur is full of highs and lows. Addressing, adjusting and growing our mindset is key. These daily prompts will come bitesize but power packed.

Your step-by-step Blueprint ($397 Value)

Walk away with all the components you need to build high ticket packages, attract the right clients and scale your business in a one page blueprint that you’ll complete during our time together in the workshop.

20 marketing ideas to attract your dream client ($97 Value)

Frustrated with trying to come up with new marketing strategies to get your name “out there”? These 20 marketing ideas will spark new and creative ways that you can market your business and connect with your dream customers.

How To Think Like a Premium Brand Designer MASTERCLASS ($399 Value)

During this bonus training, we will walk through the mindset it takes to become a sought after, highly desirable, fully booked out brand designer.

Get the step-by-step training to scale your brand design
business for just $37!

When you sign up for The High Ticket Brand Designer Workshop, you’ll get…

  • Day 1: Building your premium positioning ($397 Value)

  • Day 2: Attracting your high ticket clients ($397 Value)

  • Day 3: Your first (or next) 10K ($397 Value)

  • Access to our Pop-Up training Facebook group ($299 Value)

  • Daily Mindset Prompts ($97 Value)

  • Your step-by-step Blueprint ($397 Value)

  • 20 Marketing Ideas ($97 Value)

  • How to think like a premium brand designer MASTERCLASS ($397 Value)

  • BONUS: 90 day access to the training recordings and resources ($997 Value)

Snag over $3,300 in value...
...for just $37

Let's do this! โ†’

And just in case you need a little extra (loving) push to believe in yourself, here’s my guarantee:

We 100% believe you will love this workshop.

If by the time it’s over you feel like you haven’t gotten the full value of your investment, we will happily refund your money in full. All you have to do is email us by 11:59pm EST on Day 1 of the workshop for a full refund.

Sound fair?

Heck Yes! Reserve my ticket!


Don’t just take our word for it. Here’s what some of our previous students say:

“I finished the course having a plan and feeling so much more confident in my business.”

“You'll love learning from Liz. She has such a calm, approachable style of teaching!”

“There really is so much value. I highly recommend it!”

Have a question? Here's what's come up for other designers:

If you’ve made it here… then it’s time to decide, friend.

Here’s the truth: nothing is going to change, if nothing changes.

If you are tired and burnt out..If you’ve ever thought, “I should be charging more”...If you are fed up with listening to all the competing advice circling around online...If you are grateful for your 3, 4 or 5K projects, but are beyond ready to scale to those 10K, 15K even 20K projects…

Then you are straight up missing out if you are not in this workshop.

Because “winging it” and hoping it all works out is a surefire way to stay stuck and struggling. You deserve better than that.

So, are you ready to dive in?


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